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The Importance of Sponsoring the S-Curve in Project Management


Updated: Jan 28

Project management requires meticulous planning and the use of effective tools to ensure success.

The S-Curve, which graphically represents the progress of a project, is essential for activity control and the measurement of Earned Value (EV). However, it often does not receive the attention it deserves, which can lead to significant project deviations. This article explores the necessity of actively sponsoring the use of the S-Curve by project leadership and stakeholders.


The S-Curve and Earned Value: An Integrated Approach

The S-Curve makes it possible to compare actual costs against what was planned in terms of performance and allows for the early detection of deviation in performance. According to Kerzner, "the S-Curve enables early identification of deviations in project performance" (2017, p. 312). On its part, Earned Value allows making a better evaluation of the performance of the project. Put together, the two tools would give the managers a very fair indication of the health of the project. In fact, Fleming and Koppelman opine that "the use of the S-Curve in combination with Earned Value enables managers to make informed decisions" (2016, p. 178). Such an integrated approach would call for a very strong sponsorship by the stakeholders.


The Importance of Active Sponsorship

Active sponsorship of the leadership, in fact, is highly required for enabling successful implementation of S-Curve and Earned Value. The leadership must highlight the importance of these tools and give all the resources, training, and support to the team for effective utilization. This also includes integrating the S-Curve into regular project reviews and decision-making.

Leadership ensures the proper balance in the team's orientation and commitment towards monitoring the progress of the projects by creating a see-through and open environment. This level of engagement with the team translates to great accountability, as the members know that what they are doing will be tracked keenly with such tools. Furthermore, such strong sponsorship helps in building up the trust amongst the stakeholders because they would know that the money or resources which are being put into such initiatives are well-managed with scrupulous control and strategic vision.

The potential for S-Curve and Earned Value is sacrificed without active sponsorship. Projects come into jeopardy either by overspending, delaying, or by not meeting the objectives of the project. Thus, leadership championing of these tools is a requirement for project success, not an asset.



Fleming, Q. W., & Koppelman, J. (2016). Earned Value Project Management. 4th ed. Project Management Institute. Link:

Kerzner, H. (2017). Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Control. 12th ed. Wiley. Link:

Want to ensure your projects stay on track with effective tools like the S-Curve and Earned Value? PMLogic can help you integrate these strategies for better project control and success. Contact us today to learn how!

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