A Multiverse of Projects delivered by Kestrel Stone (Founder and CEO of Elemental Projects) at the 2024 AIPM Conference in Canberra emphasised the benefits of understanding a 4-type categorisation of projects to apply the right delivery approach.
Introducing the Elemental Matrix
Based on the goals and method matrix with one axis ‘Clarity of Goals’ and the other ‘Clarity of Methods’ to generate four quadrants of project classification. Clarity of goals asks the questions “Can we agree on what the project is delivering?” and clarity of methods is about “Do we know how to achieve the goal?”.
VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, ambiguity) increases from Type 1 to 4 projects. The contexts that projects are situated in present more dynamic and unpredictable challenges moving towards Type 4 projects as there is a shift in focus to community, stakeholder consultation, risk management, and benefits realisation.
The 4 Types of Projects
Earth projects (Type 1) are ones with clear goals and clear methods. Typically found in industries such as construction, engineering, and defence where projects are plannable and predictable due to its repeated nature. Though they can be complicated, these projects can be broken down, analysed and understood. These projects best suit a predictive or waterfall approach.
Water projects (Type 2) have a clear goal but unclear methods. For example, innovation projects. These projects require an adaptive-iterative approach; delivering the entire project but at a more refined stage in each iteration.
Fire projects (Type 3) represent projects of unclear goal but clear method such as IT, marketing, and design projects. These projects typically arise when the client can’t articulate their requirements because they don’t know the technology needed. Therefore, an adaptive-incremental approach is most suitable where a part of the product is delivered in each iteration. SCRUM being the most popular agile methodology for software development projects.
Air projects (Type 4) are those with an unclear goal and unclear method. Air projects can also be classified as soft projects, meaning they are emergent and the result is intangible. This is typical of public sector government projects, not for profit, merges, acquisitions, and projects tackling climate, behavioural and cultural change. These projects are often responsible for delivering deeply complex, long-term outcomes. Complexity in projects indicate a high degree of uncertainty and ambiguity, requiring engaging people at a qualitative level to increase understanding of the situation.
Therefore, it is recommended to apply different delivery approaches to different work pages as there will not be ‘one’ best solution. Instead, different stakeholders will value the many possibilities of actions differently. A hybrid method that looks like a rolling wave plan based on what is known currently followed by sense-making on the impact of changes made.
No one approach to project management is appropriate for all situations. The Elemental 4-type categorisation of projects enables project managers to quickly identify the best delivery approach suited for different project types.
At PMLogic, we know every project is unique. Using different frameworks, like the Elemental 4-type categorisation, we tailor delivery approaches to meet your project's specific needs.