“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies... The man who never reads lives only one.”- George R.R. Martin.
From our comfiest reading nooks: here are James' top 5 reads!
We want to know- what books have sparked your imagination, been pivotal to your professional development, or helped improve parts of your life? Give us 5 for 5 in the comments below, so we can also check out your Top 5 Reads!
And as a cheat sheet, here were James' Top 5:
1) Drive (Daniel Pink)
2) Losing my Virginity (Richard Branson)
3) Start With Why (Simon Sinek)
4) The Goal (Eliyahu Goldratt)
5) Turn the Ship Around (David Marquet)
BONUS: The Eighth Habit (Stephen Covey), The Strategy Implementation Gap (James Bawtree and Michael Young)